is the Way

design.mediation since 2010

Would YOU like to share in design.mediation with me?

In the context of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2024, I will share impressions from my Japanese journey with you. I am experimenting with Japanese Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing), with Kokedamas (moss balls) and with Ikebana. As a design mediator, I am exploring further the positioning of nature in my creative sustainable design and how interconnecetedness can be represented in design. I observe what design.mediation achieves and how design culture develops as a result.

Happiness is sharing!

Foto: Patrizia Gapp

Kokedama, design.mikimartinek

Design Support

Would YOU like to engage in design.mediation with me?

Meet me for a 

Individual Design Support

Belvederegasse 8, 1040 Vienna

by prior appointment at designmediation@mikimartinek.com

Every Tuesday



 Connect with us again!

Meet us in conjunction with

HOFBURG, Trabantenstube, 1010 Vienna

3/10/25 – 5/10/25 10-6pm

Vienna Design Week Archiv

You are warmly invited to share my design journey at VIENNA DESIGN WEEK from 2010 to the present.
Let’s begin in the now!



A Journey to Japan

My way to Happiness

A Talk

In the context of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2024, Miki Martinek shares impressions from her Japanese journey with her audience. She is experimenting with Japanese Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing), with Kokedamas (moss balls) and with Ikebana. As a design mediator, she is exploring further the positioning of nature in her creative sustainable design and how interconnectedness can be represented in design. Martinek observes what design.mediation achieves and how design culture develops as a result.

Let’s share!



Plant Pictures for City Dwellers

We frame Landscape

The aesthetics of nature/human/tech creative fusion

Working across borders, Miki Martinek brings her desire and willingness to work intersectionally to a new and living project in a dynamic new collaboration with Sebastian Hilpold. Using the material of plants and the power of human collaboration, they create living poetic compositions for interiors. The Plant-Pictures are artistic: unique, growing and complex collectibles that combine art, design and technology – honouring nature and the skills of ‘the other’.

Be in the frame!


abstract meets concrete

Resonance & aesthetics

From aesthetic photography to aesthetic fabric: An experiment

Using digital photography and a novel design process, Rita Newman, photographer, and Miki Martinek, designer, collaborate in an experimental two-step process to transform intangible, invisible resonance (perceived through digital photography) into the vibrant tangible fabric BLUE DROPS.

Have a look to the new fusion!



Love of trees

Design & Crafts

Design- and woodturning lectures, with Hermann Viehauser (woodturner)

With her love for the handmade, Miki Martinek inspires and instigates an exchange about DESIGN & Crafts. Join the new discourse with the crafts of bygone royalty in designer-influenced woodturned collectibles. Contribute to the discussion and thinking through hands-on creative experience.

Join the action-discourse!

Book for lectures

zum produkt


Staying in touch

Wool mooi

Handgestrickte Exercise Mat

Die Exercise Mat WOOL MOOI – handgestrickt aus feiner Schafwolle –  lädt Sie ein, mit sich in Kontakt zu treten. Um zu träumen, zu entspannen, mit ihrem Körper eins zu werden. Atmen Sie Freude! 

Order the exercise mat


touching eternity

Horn Handles

Window display at Hartmann Wien, 1010 Vienna

Twenty years ago I discovered my love for the material Horn. I brought this back to life for the exhibition Design from the Alps in 2019. HORN HANDLES for timeless furniture were launched at Vienna Design Week.

A touch of natural elegance!

design.letter Alpin Gold bestellen

zum Produkt


pouring the source of life

Blaues Gold

Water tasting and design launch at Stamm Concept Store, 1010 Vienna

Pure drinking water is one of the natural resources in Austria. Now it can be enjoyed in a form that does justice to its health and environmental value. I developed the Drinking Water Set BLAUES GOLD as a gift for the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism. 1 Water Carafe + 2 Glass Tumblers, hand-blown Crystal Glass.

To your health!

design.letter BLUE GOLD bestellen

zum Produkt


contribute purposefully to everyday life

Give life a change

Experiential and dynamic action-reading at Riegelnik, 1080 Vienna

GIVE LIFE A CHANGE was my call to action: to include others in contributing purposefully to sustainable change and so to well-being for people. I designed a show case to reach people and chose words as my medium in the window of the printers.

I furnished it with custom-made text-wallpapers on the theme of the call.  I invited other designers to showcase their projects in the event: to stimulate different ways of thinking and working together and to stimulate positive action in the heart of the community. Every month we added new projects to the window. 

Get involved!


the mystery of lighting

Bloom, Seed, Completion

Product development Dotzauer Lighting, 1010 Vienna

The unanticipated chandelier collection was produced and presented with collaboration partner Dotzauer Decorative Lighting. Miki Martinek was supported in this cutting-edge production by Harry Spraiter. The new LED chandelier was a recognition and a response to movements in society. 

Live in the light!

zum Produkt


the values of diverse cultures


design.text, talk & discussion at d.sign-gallery, 1010 Vienna

Unique hand-knotted carpets individually designed for you by design.mikimartinek. Respecting ourselves and others through working together across cultures and honouring each others’ traditions. Lovingly produced in Nepal by Geba. Fairtrade. A marriage of state of the art technology and timeless skills to keep old traditions alive.

Honour diversity!

zum Produkt


Leichtigkeit in Papier gepackt

Lightweight hammock in a backpack

Guided tours through Viennese gardens, 1040 Vienna

See how easily a lightweight hammock can enhance well-being in everyday city life. Introduced in the walled garden of Upper Belvedere in the context of the CHELSEA FRINGE VIENNA. Produced in collaboration with Kohlmaier Wien. Vienna – Birth place of the city hammock.

Let your soul swing free!

zum Produkt


Communicate the design process

Sitting Ball

“design.caching“ and window displays in the Freihausviertel, 1040 Vienna

Enjoy Haute Couture sitting balls in everyday life. Eleven shops in the Freihausviertel, a district of Vienna, were invited to take part in a design game called “design.caching“ and in linked window displays. The challenging and innovative aspect of my design process was to share my design know-how as well as the know-how of the makers with the customers. My intention was to develop and support a sustainable design-making community.

Innovate through sharing!

zum Produkt


Connecting positively with the past

BORN 1929, HOMMAGE to Franz Baumann, EDITION TIROL

Exhibition and talk at d.sign gallery, 1010 Vienna

Furniture collections to celebrate and honour design from the Alps. I experimented with how I could transform and re-present valued cultural artefacts across time to allow them to become re-integrated into the present. Continuity between the past and the present, re-affirming positive local values and contributing to a sense of well-being for the future.

Value your own culture!

zum Produkt


a sense of home

Oil Sheik

Window-performance at Pregenzer Fashion Store WIEN, 1040 Vienna

Home furnishings knitted in Merino wool. To focus awareness on the qualities of textiles in giving a sense of home I created knitted blankets, cushions and stools.
Local experts in the field of fabrics like Veronika Persch’e were commissioned as equal partners.

Luxuriate in wonderful wool!

zum Produkt


Taste your water

Trinkwasser Österreich

Water bar & window exhibition at Saint Charles Apothecary, 1060 Vienna

First things first! How good does your water taste? Do you really see what you are drinking? Carafe and award-winning glasses presented in a water-tasting bar with window exhibitions about the history of drinking glasses from the year 1700. Let’s think about what is essential in life; really see, taste and pay attention to water.

Appreciate the source of life!

Blaues Gold

Wiener Achtel